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Expressions and Common English terms


Common English terms


Expressions 1

A piece of cake

A term for something very easy

Break the ice

A term used to break an impasse and initiate a conversation.

Costs an arm and a leg

A very expensive term

From the horse's mouth

A term that means something is taken from its original source

Get over it

A term that means bypassing the thing that bothers you

Expressions 2

High five

A term used during peace between friends

Hocus pocus

A term used for magic or trickery

It's a small world

A term meaning when we see the same people, and events in different places.

Kill two birds with one stone

I mean, hit two birds with one stone

Let the cat out of the bag

A term meaning to publish a secret that is not supposed to be published


Money talks

The term refers to the influence and power of money

Over my dead body

A term meaning when you reject something and try to prevent it

Start from scratch

A term that means start over or start over

Take it easy

A term that means calm down or take it easy

Expressions 3

Time out

A term that means the time is up


A term meaning continuous work all the time

Up to the minute

A term meaning up to now

When pigs fly

A term meaning that this will never happen

Zero Tolerance

The term has a clean criminal record
