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Insulin resistance


A very important topic for the public interest


 If you have ovarian cysts, high blood pressure, obesity, or a heart


 (Insulin resistance) or pre-diabetes, and many of us read this term and do not understand its meaning. Focus with me


 Firstly, it is a disease caused by excessive sugars, meaning that you eat sugars, and the pancreas gland produces the hormone responsible for the delivery of glucose to cells, which is the hormone (insulin).

 In other words, it is the key that opens the cells in order for sugar to lead them until the time comes when it cannot do its job

 Sugar is higher in the blood, and insulin is higher in the blood as well

 His signs are

 Or the two most important signs

 Abdominal and side fat, and pigments that are the dark color under the armpit and behind the head

 Diseases that can be caused by an enemy other than diabetes

 Polycystic ovaries, arteriosclerosis, heart, pressure

 Kidney failure - and Alzheimer's for adults, other than obesity.

 All of this is due to the body's resistance to insulin

 What is the solution left?

 You relax the pancreas, and let it reduce insulin, which means a decent diet that is low in carbohydrates

 Cut artificial sugar and replace it with fruit

 The first solution is 

treatment is to make your body sensitive to insulin again, or to keep missing it in the healthiest sense


 cortisol is the hormone of catabolism, tension, nervousness, and everything that bothered, this is the most possible thing. Insulin can be disrupted. It remains necessary always to be calm and not fanatic and do not burn our blood in order to get rid of insulin resistance


melatonin is the hormone that is secreted when we sleep deeply in the dark, and every time the sleep is controlled, all the insulin works better.

 And his resistance begins to decrease

 Finally, and not least, exercise is necessary. You must lose and lose weight

 If you try the subject, believe me, you will benefit


Good insulin resistance diet plan

1. Fill up on vegetables

Fill half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables that are cooked, raw, fresh, frozen, or canned. When buying canned vegetables, choose no-added salt versions or drain the liquid.


Examples of non-starchy vegetables include:




Green beans



Brussels sprouts






Peppers (all varieties)


Summer squash


You can make a big, crunchy salad or pack baby carrots and sliced red peppers in your lunch to increase veggie intake.


2. Focus on fiber-filled whole grains, beans and legumes

When choosing foods containing carbohydrates, choose those that are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and low in fat.


Choose high-fiber versions of grains such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, bulgur, popcorn, and breads and cereals with greater than three grams of fiber per serving. This includes beans, peas and lentils, and whole intact grains. Avoid high-fat carbohydrate foods such as biscuits, donuts, and high-fat snack crackers.


Aim for a quarter of your plate at meals to include healthy carbohydrate foods. Here’s what that translates to in portion sizes:


Whole wheat bread: 1-2 slices

Whole wheat pasta: 1 cup (cooked)

Brown rice: 1 cup (cooked)

Beans, peas, corn: 1 cup

Oatmeal: 1 cup (cooked)

Dry cereal: 1-1 ½ cups

If you consume a large amount of carbohydrates during a meal or snack, blood insulin levels may spike, making blood sugar and weight management more difficult. Once you and your nutritionist understand your calorie needs and activity levels, a specific amount of carbohydrates per meal can be recommended.


3. Choose lean sources of protein

Protein helps to stabilize blood sugar and a lean source of protein should be included with meals and snacks. Choose foods that are baked, broiled or grilled, and avoid deep-fried foods since they can raise blood sugar faster.


Incorporate lean protein foods, into your snacks and meals including:




Low-fat cottage cheese

Turkey or ground turkey breast

Low-fat deli meats such as sliced chicken, turkey or ham


Low-fat cheese

Lean cuts of pork

One quarter of your plate should include a protein food at meal times. A general portion size of protein equals 3 oz of meat, poultry, fish, or 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese.


4. Eat modest amounts of fruit

Whole, fresh fruit is a great, high fiber choice, but canned or frozen fruit can also be a healthy and budget friendly choice.


Avoid fruits canned in heavy syrup, due to the higher sugar content. The freezer section at your supermarket may also offer frozen fruit options at a better value, which are great to sprinkle on top of oatmeal, cottage cheese, or salads.


The serving size for fresh fruit will vary depending on the fruit. For example, 1 cup of strawberries, 12 cherries, or 3 oz of grapes all have a similar amount of carbohydrates.


Since fruit juice tends to raise blood sugar quickly and dried fruit brings a more concentrated source of sugar, these items can be included in a healthy meal plan but at much smaller portions — around 4 oz of juice or 2 tablespoons of dried fruit.


5. Be dairy savvy

Dairy foods like milk and yogurt contain carbohydrates, so although they are a good source of calcium and vitamin D, they can raise your blood sugar.


Some people drink large glasses of milk, not realizing the impact on their blood sugar. If you have been diagnosed with insulin resistance or prediabetes and love milk, limit your portion to an eight-ounce serving. If yogurt is a staple for breakfast or snack time, look for those that are around 100 calories per container with limited added sugars.


6. Select heart-healthy fats

Avoid saturated fats and choose heart healthy fats like olive oil. It may be helpful to utilize all fats in moderation since even olive oil brings 45 calorie per teaspoon. For those working on a diet specific to weight management, extra calories can sneak in even with healthy fats. Portion out nuts into 100 calorie servings, use 1/4 of an avocado instead of a whole one, and add 1-2 teaspoons of oil when cooking.


7. Boost your fiber intake

Include plenty of non-starchy vegetables in your eating pattern and add a small serving of fruit to each meal. Fiber is found in plant foods, so look for the fiber content on food labels for cereals, breads, flatbreads, tortillas, and other packaged plant foods. Compare brands to find the options that are highest in fiber.

Understanding the glycemic effect of food varieties


At the point when you eat, food is separated by your body into a usable type of energy called glucose. With insulin obstruction, your body makes some harder memories preparing the measure of glucose from suppers, prompting higher blood glucose levels. To convolute things further, a few food varieties separate into glucose more quickly and at a more elevated level than others.


The estimation of what cheap food means for blood glucose is alluded to as the glycemic file. Food sources related with a higher glycemic record will in general raise glucose quicker contrasted with less prepared entire food varieties with a lower glycemic list.


High glycemic record food sources include:


Sugar-improved drinks


Desserts (candy, treats, cakes)


White potatoes and potato chips


Refined "white" grains (white rice, white pasta, white bread)


Dried products of the soil juice


There is, in any case, some contention around how supportive focusing on glycemic file is since the vast majority eat blended dinners — for example you may have a high glycemic file food like a heated potato alongside lower glycemic food varieties like prepared chicken, or steamed broccoli. The bit size, arrangement, and measure of fiber and fat in different food varieties devoured at the feast likewise influence the general effect on glucose levels.


Food varieties to stay away from:


Picking less prepared, entire grain, high-fiber food varieties and staying away from desserts and handled food sources can help improve insulin opposition, particularly when collaborated with practice and a sound way of life.


Following the overall rules underneath for an insulin opposition diet can assist you with picking lower glycemic file food varieties without focusing on singular numbers.


Ordinary Exercise


Energy balance isn't just about calories (or energy in), it likewise incorporates exercise (or energy out). Normal exercise improves insulin affectability by moving glucose (sugar) into your muscles where it is utilized for energy. Take a stab at consolidating both high-impact "episode and puff" type practice with opposition practice like obstruction groups or loads for the most adequacy.


The American Heart Association suggests 150 minutes of activity each week for grown-ups. You don't have to "shred" or "consume" your body to improve your wellbeing — just put on agreeable shoes and stroll down to the furthest limit of your square after supper.


Beginning with a little change — like strolling for 15 minutes after every supper — can improve glucose levels and will likewise add up rapidly to 45 minutes of activity each day, or 315 minutes of the week! In case you're new to work out, it's anything but a smart thought to check with your medical care supplier prior to beginning an activity routine.


Healthy Weight

Pursuing and keeping a solid load by expanding your action levels and following an insulin opposition diet is a compelling method to forestall or improve insulin obstruction. Each little change makes a difference! A weight reduction of 7-10% your present body weight can help keep pre-diabetes from forming into type 2 diabetes. In this way, in the event that you weigh 250 lbs., even a 17 lb. weight reduction can have an effect.


Try not to be hesitant to look for the help of a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who can:


Make a supper intend to improve your insulin obstruction.


Remove the secret from how to shop and eat heathier.


Help you in gathering your individual objectives.


Most protection plans cover sustenance visits with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, including Medicare.

مقاومة الأنسولين

موضوع مهم جدا لأجل الفائدة العامة

 لو عندك تكيس مبايض او ضغطك عالي او سمنه او قلب


(مقاومة الانسولين) او ما قبل السكري وكتير منا بيقرا المصطلح ده ومش فاهم معناه ركز معي  

اولا هو مرض سببه السكريات الزيادة بمعني إنك تأكل سكريات تقوم غده البنكرياس تفرز الهرمون المسؤول عن توصيل الجلوكوز اللي الخلايا وهو هرمون (الانسولين)


 هو بمعني آخر المفتاح الذي يفتح للخلايا عشان السكر يوصلها إلى أن يأتي وقت إلا يستطيع أن يقوم بوظيفته


فالسكر يعلي في الدم والانسولين أيضا يعلي في الدم

علاماته هي

 او اهم علامتين


دهون في البطن والاجناب والصبغات التي هي اللون الداكن تحت الابط وخلف الراس  


الامراض الممكن أن يسببها غير السكري عدوا معي


تكيس المبايض _ تصلب شرايين _ القلب _الضغط  

الفشل الكلوي _ والزهايمر للكبار ده غير طبعا (السمنة

كل هذاه بسبب مقاومه الجسم للأنسولين  

الحل بقي ايه؟

إنك تريح البنكرياس وتخليه يقلل انسولين يعني دايت محترم يكون قليل الكربوهيدرات  

تقطع السكر الصناعي وتستبدله بالفاكهة


 حل للعلاج إنك ترجع جسمك حساس مرة أخرى للأنسولين او يبقي مشتاق ليه بمعني اصح



 الكورتيزول هرمون الهدم والتوتر والعصبية وكل حاجه بتضايق ده اكتر حاجه ممكن تعطل الأنسولين يبقي لازم دائما نكون هادئين ولا نتعصب ولا نحرق دمنا لأجل نتخلص من مقاومه الانسولين



الميلاتونين وده الهرمون الي يتفرز لما ننام بعمق في الظلام وكل ما كان النوم مضبوط كل ما الانسولين اشتغل بصوره احسن

ومقاومته تبدأ تقل

اخيرا وليس باخر لازم رياضه لازم تخس وتنزل وزنك

لو جربت الموضوع صدقني ستستفاد

