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Psychological education for children


 Psychological education for children

In a need called Psychological education for children.

 These are general rules if the mother followed them very individually with the child.

 Your children must qualify how to deal with the outside world.

 1- Only the mother, is the one who have to change his/her clothes for him/her.

 2- Change in a locked room and door even if there is no one present.

 3- It is forbidden to change in front of any person or open place.

 4- If the mother is not present, the grandmother who changes, the oldest persona is the youngest and the youngest, and also a closed place.

 5- From the age of a year and a half, the child begins to clean himself. The mother, who is a teacher, cleans himself and how to clean the awrah area and reduce her hands on the private area in cleaning the child.

 6- The toilet training phase, the bathroom door must be locked to them.

 7- You start saying shame when the child comes to lift his clothes, change or shower, and he must get used to locking the door on him.

 8- Kissing by the mouth is strictly forbidden, the mother and father on the cheek only, or the rest of the people on the hand or forehead only.

 9 - There is no such thing as (a child sits on a person's leg, and even if he is required to sit, he remains seated next to his back to the air, it is not correct for him to sit back in the face of someone who sits on his leg.

 10- The first thing the child starts talking and realizes we will repeat it daily from the navel to the knee. This is an area specific to you only. It is not correct for a person or mama and dad to see it, the doctor only if you are sick and Mama and Daddy are with you, and it is never correct to see it with another person we close our eyes (shame to see)  We do not see anyone from the navel to the knee.

 11- We raise with the child, if someone raises your clothes or wants to touch this area, he says to him no, blemish in a very loud voice, even if the speech does not stop him, we scream and we say shame, no, no, very loudly, and we say quickly to any large person present, Mama or Dad.

 13- If the child is in the nursery of only one nanny who is responsible for entering the toilet or changing for him, it is not every day a new nanny.

 14- He should notify the nursery or school. Make sure of the navel. The knee is an area of ​​your own. It is not right for someone to see or touch it. It is not correct for one of my friends to enter the toilet with me. It is not correct for children to urinate in front of some or to dress in front of others, even if the same type ...

 15- It is strictly forbidden for brothers to bathe with some other than their swimsuit, even if the same type.

 16- It is not valid to leave them in the bathtub without a bathing suit, if the father and mother prefer inside outside the child.

 17- There is no such thing as forcing my son or daughter to despair a person because he is a guest or to rape him. If a person is in front of me, peace is basically by hands. There is no such thing as a boss and anger.

 18- Of course, it is necessary to separate the beds for the child from when he is young and he does not sleep with the father and mother.

 Of course, it is not correct for sisters to sleep next to each other at any age, even if the same type, and if the situation is narrow and they have to sleep on the same bed, each one keeps his own cover.

 19- The most important point which is the basis is any mother or father who force their children to obey blindly ... and force them to hear the words without understanding the reasons or hit them and force them to obey the words and if the child objected and spoke, they would increase the beating or punishment, unfortunately you thus received your son or  Your daughter is for any harasser who robs him of his dignity and freedom, so it becomes permissible for anyone who attacks him and he will not be able to resist or even complain because if he complains, he will be punished more as usual, except that he originally lost confidence in you and lost your safety and he will not come to tell what happened with him, give space for them to  They object and defend their rights, give space for them, safety, complain and do justice to them.

 Returning the child from a young age develops shyness and knows his rights and that it is not permissible for any stranger or relative or even the father and mother, and that he is an entity that has the freedom to object

For older kids

Children's Self-Defense Of course, every parent wants their child to be able to stand up to bullying and defend themselves against any abuse, and when most parents think of self-defense, they think of violence or hitting back, but a large part of self-defense has nothing to do with violence. Or hitting someone else, it involves teaching the child to recognize the situation around him, listen to his intuition before a problem flares up, withdraw from the situation with confidence, and finally teach self-defense skills if necessary.

Self-defense classes sometimes the best thing you can do for your children is to enroll them in a self-defense class, such as a Taekwondo or Karate class. Not only will the children learn how to defend themselves, but they will also learn self-confidence and self-control.

Using Self-Defense Techniques Although the idea of ​​encouraging your child to fight is not a good idea, there are some self-defense techniques that a child can use to protect himself when attacking, for example there are techniques to block a punch being directed at him, and techniques on how to Freedom when restrained, there are techniques on how to defend themselves from a group attack, and all of these strategies can be learned in self-defense classes. Remember that when teaching your children self-defense skills not to use them to hurt others, encourage them to defuse the situation by using a strong voice or walking away, and make sure you understand the potential consequences when your children defend themselves.

A strategy to here that can be used to guard themselves

1-Using solid non-verbal communication: One of the most ideal approaches to forestall harassing is to ensure your youngsters have fearlessness, through sure non-verbal communication and eye to eye connection with everyone around them. Incidentally, if the youngster seems shaky and dodges others, this causes him to seem feeble and simple to target, so the kid's self-assurance should be reinforced.

2-Staying in the group: The child is likely not to be abused when he is with a group of friends, advice your child to stay with a group of his friends, and if your child does not have a group of friends, cooperate with him to make friends.


3- Teaching a child to trust their intuition: Teach your children to be aware of their surroundings, to be aware of what is going on around them, to trust their instincts, and to know if something is wrong or not. This is an important life skill that not only avoids abuse but also helps them avoid being exposed. To steal or abuse an adult as well.

4- Withdraw when things go wrong: Often, children don't realize that when things look like they could be headed in the wrong direction, they should quit. Make sure they know it's not cowardly to walk away, and remind them that it takes courage to walk away from an escalating situation. Before it gets out of hand. Identifying when a situation is about to turn for the worse and withdrawing is one of the best ways to avoid being abused.

5- Use strong, assertive language: If your child finds himself in a potential bullying situation, using a confident voice and strong, assertive language sometimes defuses the situation.

Have your children practice speaking assertively and in a strong voice at home, then when they are in a difficult situation it will come naturally.

6- Getting Attention Encourage your children to make a lot of noise if someone is threatening or hurting them. They should not only use a strong voice, but also scream. The idea here is to scare the offender by drawing a lot of attention to the situation, especially if the abuse was from adults. This tactic is also important if the child is attacked by a stranger during the kidnapping attempt. Being calm and submissive is never a good idea. In the end and after you know the self-defense methods for children and a guide to confront bullying and abuse.

التربية النفسية للأطفال و الدفاع عن النفس

في حاجة اسمها التربية النفسية للأطفال.

 دي قواعد عامة لو الأم اتبعتها بتفرق جدا مع الطفل.

لازم تأهلوا أولادكم كيف يتعاملوا مع العالم الخارجي.


١- الطفل من وهو بيبي الأم بس اللي تغير له.


٢- التغيير في حجرة وباب مقفول حتى لو لم يتواجد حد.


٣- ممنوع تغير أمام اي شخص او مكان مفتوح.


٤- لو الأم ليست موجودة الجدة التي تغير، أكبر شخصية سنا فالأصغر والأصغر وأيضا مكان مقفول.


٥- من سن سنة ونص الطفل يبدأ ينظف نفسه الام تعلمة ينظف نفسه وكيف ينظف منطقة العورة وتقلل وضع يديها على منطقة العورة في تنظيف الطفل.


٦- مرحلة التدريب على استخدام التواليت يجب أن يكون باب الحمام مقفول عليهم.


٧- تبدأ تقول عيب لما يجي الطفل يرفع ملابسه او يغير او يستحم ولازم يتعود يقفل الباب عليه.


٨- ممنوع التقبيل من الفم منعا باتا الام والاب من الخد فقط او وباقي الافراد من اليد او الجبهة فقط.


٩- لا يوجد ما يسمى (طفل يقعد على قدم شخص ولو لازم يقعد يبقي يقعد بالجنب ظهره للهواء لا يصح أن يجلس ظهرة في وجه الذي يجلس علي رجله ..


١٠- اول ما الطفل يبدأ يتكلم ويدرك سنكرر عليه يوميا من السرة الى الركبة دي منطقة خاصة بك انت فقط لا يصح أن يراها شخص أو ماما وبابا، الدكتور فقط لو انت مريض وماما وبابا يكونوا معاك، ولا يصح أبدا نراها عند شخص أخر نغمض عنينا عيب نرى اي شخص من السرة إلى الركبة ...


١١- نربي عند الطفل لو أن شخص رفع ملابسك او عاوز يلمس هذه المنطقة، يقول له لا عيب بصوت عالي جدا ولو لم يكف الكلام نصرخ ونقول عيب لا لا لا بصوت عال جدا ونقول بسرعة لأي شخص كبير موجود ماما أو بابا.


١٣- لو الطفل في حضانة مربية واحدة فقط المسؤولة عن دخوله التواليت او تغير له مش كل يوم مربية جديدة


١٤- ينبه على الحضانة او المدرسة تأكد عليه من السرة للركبة منطقة خاصة بك لا يصح شخص يراها او يلمسها لا يصح شخص من اصحابي يدخل معي التواليت لا يصح الاطفال يتبولوا أمام بعض او يلبسوا أمام بعض حتى لو نفس النوع ...


١٥- ممنوع منعا باتا الاخوة يستحموا مع بعض من غير مايوه حتى لو نفس النوع.


١٦- لا يصح تركهم في البانيو من غير مايوه لو الاب والام يفضلوا داخلين خارجين علي الطفل.

١٧- لا يوجد شيء اسمه أجبر أبني او بنتي يبوس شخص لأنه ضيف او أغصبه إن شخص يبوسة أمامي، السلام اساسا بالأيدي لا يوجد شيء اسمه بوس وبالغصب.


١٨- طبعا التفريق في المضاجع لازم يبقي للطفل سرير من وهو صغير لا ينام مع الاب والام.

وطبعا لا يصح اخوات يناموا جنب بعض في اي عمر حتى لو نفس النوع، ولو كان ضيق الوضع ولازم يناموا علي نفس السرير يبقي لكل واحد الغطاء الخاص به.


١٩- اهم نقطة التي هي الاساس اي أم أو أب يجبروا أولادهم على الطاعة العمياء.. ويجبروهم على انهم يسمعوا الكلام من غير ما يفهموا الاسباب أو يضربوهم ويجبروهم على إطاعة الكلام ولو اعترض الطفل واتكلم يزيدوا الضرب او العقاب، مع الاسف انتم هكذا  تسلموا ابنكم او بنتكم لأي متحرش، تسلبه كرامته وحريته فيصبح مباح اي حد يعتدي عليه وهو لن يقدر أن يقاوم أو حتي يشتكي لأنه لو اشتكي سيعاقب زيادة كالعادة، هذا غير انه اصلا  فقد الثقة فيكم وفقد الامان منكم فلن يأتي ليحكي ما تم معه، اعط مساحة لهم لأجل أن يعترضوا ويدافعوا عن حقوقهم أعط مساحة لهم، أمان يشتكوا وتنصفوهم .


 تعود الطفل من الصغر ينمي حياء ويعرف الطفل حقوقه وانه ليس مباح لأي شخص غريب او قريب او حتى الاب والام، وأنه كيان له حرية الاعتراض.




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