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Good deed 

Make sure to close the door quietly so that the sleepers do not wake up This is of course a good deed


I found uncovered food and covered it, This is of course a good deed

Keep Listening to a boring talk because you do not want to embarrass the speaker This is of course a good deed

Show the happiness in your voice when answering the phone This is of course a good deed

Your smile and caress for a child, This is of course a good deed

Welcoming and honoring people in your home This is of course a good deed

Closing what you opened, removing what fell from you, covering what you uncovered, leveling what you scattered, cleaning what you used, and leaving the place better than it was. This is of course a good deed

Take the initiative and call your family and say: Hello, my brother, my sister, my father, my mother, my aunt, my uncle, and ask about their conditions. This is of course a good deed

If you drink juice and keep the can with you until you reach the nearest trash, This is of course a good deed

I saw a boy make mistakes, so I gave him a smile full of love and said: This increases the scales of your sins. Ask forgiveness of God, my son, and you will have an opportunity to seek forgiveness and increases the scales of good deeds. This is of course a good deed

Something that benefited you in your life, so you published it to spread the benefit, This is of course a good deed


If You did not push away anyone in a need, whether he needs advice, needs money nor needs a service, This is of course a good deed

I hid a flaw I saw in someone, This is of course a good deed

Praying for someone who passed away, This is of course a good deed




Good deeds surround us even when we are in our homes, we can increase the balance of good deeds daily with a million good deeds..


The condition of the work to be valid is sincerity.


If we reckon these deeds with God and ask Him to make them a reason for increases the scales of good, the rate of faith will increase and the servant will feel his closeness to his Lord.
