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How to become a positive educator


How to be a positive educator


1- If you want the child to live in psychological security and heartfelt reassurance,

Avoid brawling in his presence.


2- If you want the child not to become stubborn,

Do not always contradict his requests and do not slander or insult him in the presence of others.


3- If you want the child to listen to you,

Listen to him with longing and respect.


4- If you want him not to feel despair and psychological frustration,

Don't blame him with hurtful words when he fails at something.


5- If you want the child to always trust you,

Don't promise him what you can't fulfill.


6- If you want the child to increase his self-confidence,

Encouraged him for his good achievements and blessed him with a prize.


7- If you want the child to obey you,

Do not reprimand him too much and insist that he obey you.


8- If you want the child to succeed, then the future.

Be a good example in order, arrangement, planning and reflection.


9- If you want the child not to delay in pronunciation and speech,

Smile at him whenever he wants to speak, show him to listen when he wants to speak.


10- If you want the child not to be defeated in the face of despair and give in to failure.

Reassure him that accidents happen quickly and teach him how to benefit from any experience or accident

