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Intermittent fasting diet


Intermittent fasting step by step


It is suitable for people who work, have a university or school, or out all day long

This is very convenient and shortens the time and preparation of meals

Very effective in burning fat.

Complete absorption of food.


We focus and understand what (intermittent fasting) does exactly


We will divide our day into two parts

Part 8 hours (and this is the number of hours we eat

)Part 16 hours (and this is the fasting period)


The first part of the day

part 8 hours


We eat 2 or 3 meals with them


The body must take all its needs within the 8 hours, in a healthy way. I mean, do not eat a harsh diet with fasting. This will destroy the body, but if the body, for example, takes 1500 prices, we distribute them among the two meals or the 3 countries.


Both meals must contain (protein, carbs and healthy fats(


Protein for muscle = meat, chicken, tuna, kebab, red meat, salmon, eggs, cottage cheese, etc.. It can be boiled, grilled, or in the oven.


Healthy carb = 1/2 cup brown or basmati rice / oats / potatoes the size of your hands / sweet potatoes. Reduce the bread and pasta, and I wish you would prevent them.


Vegetables = boiled or steamed and salad

Healthy fats = olive oil or hot oil


Fruit = 3 fruits we divide (before the meal, between meals and with the last meal)


The second part of the day

The 16 hours of fasting


We will drink water or any hot drinks without sugar, such as tea and coffee, an hour after sleeping


Among the 16 hours of sleep, of course. I mean, we can start fasting 3 hours before bed, sleep 8, wake up for 5 hours, and break our fast.


An hour before eating, we can do a light exercise, and then fruit. If we exercise hard, we will exercise after breakfast or after the second meal.


I don't sleep more than 16 hours



This talk is not with pregnant women, nor breastfeeding women, nor patients with diabetes, heart, or pressure, nor does anyone have health problems or take medication. In these cases, we return to the doctor.

The same Ramadan system, but the difference is that we can drink the fasting period is normal and breakfast remains according to how many hours I have fasted

We start it one at a time, that is, once twice in the first week, and after that we supply and the result appears with continuation

If an hour before breakfast, exercise is light without weights, it will burn fat along the way

If two weights left after the first or second meal

Any deprivation for the body, or fasting for more than 16 hours, may have an opposite result, and the body thinks that it is in a state of deprivation, so it stores fat.


System example

For example, the last meal is 9 at night. Fasting starts from 10 at night, and we sleep at 12 for 8 hours. I mean, we will advise 8 to drink water and maybe a cup of coffee or any hot drink without sugar.

And if you fast out of 10, then count 16 hours. That means you will break your fast at 2:00 in the afternoon

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