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Proper diet to build muscle mass

Proper diet to build muscle mass

 And we start


Nutritional Quantity:

It is the amount of food consumed in 24 hours and must include all the food necessary for the body

Types of food quantity:

How much food for maintenance:

 It is the amount of food necessary for the body to compensate for the involuntary loss of nutrients that the body loses during the day through heart, stomach, and intestinal movements, breathing movements and simple muscular movements.

An estimated 2,400 calories are secured from the following foods:

400 grams of sugars

 50 grams of fat

 70 grams protein

How much food for my brain:

A little more than the amount of food for maintenance

Nutritional quantity for women:

Less than men and increases during pregnancy and lactation

Adolescent food quantity:

Much more than the maintenance calculated because the body is in a building state and needs all the nutrients in large quantities

Muscle food quantity:

Which is what matters to the bodybuilding game, in which the calories needed for the body increase in very large quantities of proteins, carbohydrates and fats


Calories and essential nutrients:


The amount of energy in food is measured in calories, and 1 gram of protein or carbohydrates produces 4 calories

As for 1 gram of fat, it produces 9 calories

And you can find out the appropriate calories for you through the following equation:

The number of calories you need per day = your weight in kilograms * 33

Basic nutrients:


A food substance that is composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, and other elements are present in small proportions, such as sulfur and phosphorous.

The word protein is derived from the Greek and means the first or the most important, and the presence of different amounts of it in quantity and quality within cells is a criterion for the intensity of the vital activities of these cells and it consists of basic building units which are

Amino acids

It has many functions in the body, the most important of which are:

Regulates the hormones in the body because some hormones have a protein structure

It plays a defensive role in the body

It causes muscle contraction because actin and myosin are proteins that cause muscle contraction and relaxation

It is involved in the formation of all cells

Where are the proteins found?

It has many sources, the most important of which are:

Fish: sardines and tuna

Poultry: such as chicken and turkey

Red meat

Dairy and its derivatives


Legumes: such as chickpeas, beans and peas



A food substance composed of hydrogen and oxygen, called carbon hydrocarbons or sugars, and these compounds are the main source of energy in animal and plant cells.

Classified into:

Single candies are simple candies

Oligosaccharides: Made up of a few monosaccharides

Polysaccharides: They consist of a large number of monosaccharide molecules

It has many functions in the body, the most important of which are:

Interfering with cell synthesis

It is an important source of energy for the body

It forms the raw materials for building other materials from proteins and fats

Where are carbohydrates found?

It has many sources, the most important of which are:

White bread



Rice, especially brown


The pasta

The juice

The fruit


Fat or fat:

An important food item divided into simple and conjugated and steroids

The most important types of fats are:

Saturated fats that are solid at normal temperature (such as animal fats) and unsaturated fats that are liquid (such as olive oil)

Fat has many functions in the body:

Interfering with the structure of the cytoplasmic membrane

It is an important source of energy

Some vitamins and hormones

It acts as a heat insulating material

Healthy unsaturated fats are especially important because they help raise the level of testosterone in the body, which increases muscle growth and burns fat.

It is found in:


Olive oil


Milk products

Red meat



Of course, it is very important for the body because it is the main component of body fluids

It helps the body get rid of toxins and waste

Helps maintain body temperature

Therefore, it is necessary to hydrate well and take the body's needs, and it should be noted that water should be drunk during and after training


Organic compounds necessary for the body and for its maintenance, their deficiency causes some diseases and the body needs them in small quantities

The most important vitamins and where they are found:

Vitamin D: fish oil, butter, and ultraviolet rays of the sun help form it in the skin

Vitamin A: eggs and spinach

Vitamin K: green leaves

Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, tomatoes and peppers

Mineral salts:

It is needed by the body for its importance in the performance of many bodily functions, and it constitutes 1% of the weight of living matter

And it’s most important functions:

Structural function: such as calcium and phosphate salts, and they are involved in the formation of bones and teeth, and iron enters the composition of hemoglobin

Organizational functions

Contribute to ensuring adequate solution pressure in the cells

It plays a role in helping some enzymes

It should be noted that living cells cannot synthesize mineral salts and must obtain them from the surrounding environment (food).

The most important salts and where they are found:

Sodium: table salt and wheat

Potassium: Meat, legumes, peaches, potatoes, and bananas

Calcium: Milk and its derivatives, vegetables, nuts and egg yolks

Phosphorous: milk and its derivatives, vegetables, meat, legumes and fish

Iron: meat and eggs

Iodine: table salt extracted from sea water and seafood

Manganese: the liver and kidneys


How is your food program?


You must know the basic rules of nutrition are:

Divide the meals into 5-6 small meals per day

Breakfast should be large and contain all the nutrients

Try to eat every 3 hours to supply your body with energy

Eat carbohydrates and protein before and after exercise

Always eat animal protein and protein shakes

Try to increase the amount of food if you feel that muscle growth has stopped or if your weight has stopped gaining
