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Let's talk about the rotator cuff muscles.

Their position:

Enclosed between the clavicle from the front and the scapula from the back, they surround the shoulder

The Cuff muscles are important and useful because they support the shoulder joint and the external muscles, which we say are front, side and back.

The names of these muscles

(Supraspinatus muscle) (Infraspinatus muscle) (teres minor) (Subscapularis muscles(

The Supraspinatus muscle fixes the shoulder from the side, and the Infraspinatus muscle fixes it from the back

And (subscapularis muscles) it is fixed from the front, and the muscles of this joint are very fixed

- Because when the Deltoid muscles of the shoulder start to work.

The cuff muscles

 The cuff muscles are installed in order to work pressure, which is pushing, and these muscles work in a basic way in pushing

The cuff stabilizes the shoulder joint and the shoulder muscles are working, so the joint will be healthy and safe

- The idea is that we do not exercise these muscles with the Deltoid muscles, they remain strong by covering the cuff muscles, and this leads to imbalance of the shoulder muscles and exposes the shoulder to injury.

- Supraspinatus muscle & Infraspinatus muscle & terse minor

 They do (external rotation) and in this situation we roll the shoulder to the outside

 - As for the subscapularis muscle, it works (internal rotation), and this is by turning the shoulder joint inward.

The exercises we do for the cuff muscles


-1 concentric external rotation

- 2 isometric external rotation

-3 concentric internal rotation

-4 isometric internal rotation
