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The shortest way to perfect body

This is the shortest path to a perfect body

How are meals divided?

All meals are required (protein...carbohydrates...vitamins...useful fats

We are supposed to eat animal protein like (eggs... skimmed milk... cottage cheese... chicken breasts... grilled fish... steak meat...

Plant protein like...

 Broccoli, mushrooms and other vegetables

Simple and complex carbohydrates

Complex (slow absorption): rice... oats.. grits.. ..

Simple: fruit

Vitamin: Vegetables, the best of which is spinach

Useful fats: liqueurs (almonds - walnuts) olive oil... avocados... peanut butter

How do we divide it?

An easy way to do it and the shortest way


Protein like... boiled eggs... cottage cheese...

Carbs.. oats... toast bread.. boiled potatoes.. potatoes


Protein.. chicken breasts, meat or fish

Complex carbohydrates: rice, bread, toast, pasta, but in quantities, of course, no more than 5 spoons or a slice of toast.

Vitamin, for example, sauteed vegetables or green salad

Between lunch and dinner there is a fruit, and maybe if you are hungry, a can of tuna without oil and salad

the Dinner

Preferably in the dinner meal, protein and healthy fats (cottage cheese and a tablespoon of olive oil, for example).

Before bed, if you feel hungry, skimmed yogurt

Useful fats throughout the day, if almonds, preferably with yogurt at night and olive oil on a salad

It is required from 2 to 3 liters of water per day to get results

not staying up late

If there is an exercise in the gym, two hours after eating, and half an hour after the exercise, we can eat

Allowed drinks and condiments:

 Green tea... coffee... ginger... cinnamon... 4 pieces of dark chocolate... turmeric... spices... lemon.

I hope I made it easy for you so that you can make a diet for yourself

do not forget the impact of sport
