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Diet plan


If you don't know how to make a diet plan for yourself:

Come with me, to understand together

First the sources:


Potatoes, rice, pasta, oats, bulgur or bread


Chicken, meat, fish and eggs

Healthy fats:

Butter, olive oil, egg yolk, nuts, salmon and omega

Second the calories:

Per 1 gram of carb 4 calories

Per 1 gram of protein 4 calories

Per 1 gram of fat, 9 calories

All you have to know is the calories you need to organize the diet plan for the current period for you without a direct follower, and if you want to increase your weight, increase your calories from 300:500 calories

If you want to lose weight or lose fat, reduce it from 300: 500

This is the simplest way to understand the most important sources and get to know the idea of ​​the diet in general


Here is some diet ways that we will explore later


1.     Intermittent fasting. ...

2.     Plant-based diets. ...

3.     Low-carb diets. ...

4.     The paleo diet. ...

5.     Low-fat diets. ...

6.     The Mediterranean diet. ...

7.     WW (Weight Watchers) ...

8.     The DASH diet.
