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At this topic we will explore the word (the)

When do we use ( the ) and when do we not use it.



 We use (the), pronounced with the fatha in front of nouns that start with a silent letter

the boy the girl


We use (the) in front of nouns that start with a vowel

the apple the egg

We use (the) and pronounce the kasra when the emphasis is placed

he is the man our company needs

That is, he appointed the required man for our company.


 We use (the) and the pronunciation of the kasra when specifying

that is the horse I meant

That is the horse I meant.


 The English use (the) in front of important well-known nouns

the Earth the moon. The sun...

They also use it in front of compound nouns

the United Kingdom the Security Council


We do not use (the) when nothing is specified

horse is a beautiful animal

That is, every horse is a beautiful animal, not a specific horse

We do not use (the) in front of nouns that are generally known and absolute, which do not need to be defined

water is necessary for life

But :

the water is boiling, put some tea on it.

What is meant here is the water that is now boiling.


We do not use (the) in front of proper nouns

Marwan. Ahmed. John. Brown.

But when we use nouns with the intent of family names, we use the and put (s) with the noun

the Browns ...


We often visit the Browns in London


 The English also uses the in front of the names of rivers, destinations, and periods of the day, the Nile River

the Nile...

Thames River

the Thames .

the East the West.....

in the morning ....

in the afternoon

But :

we say

at night.

In the middle of the night ......


متى نستخدم ( the ) ومتى لا نستخدمها.



نستخدم ( the)  وتلفظ ذَ  بالفتحة امام الاسماء التي تبدأ بحرف صامت

the boy  the girl


  نستخدم  ( the ) وتلفظ ذِ بالكسرة امام الاسماء التي تبدأ بحرف صوتي

the apple  the egg


نستخدم  ( the ) وتلفظ ذِ بالكسرة عند التوكيد

he is the man our company needs

اي انه عين الرجل المطلوب لشركتنا .


 نستخدم  (the ) وتلفظ ذِ بالكسرة عند التحديد

that is the horse I meant

اي ذلك هو الحصان الذي قصدتُ .


الانكليز يستخدمون  (the ) امام الاسماء المعروفة الهامة

the Earth  the moon. The sun...


 كما يستخدمونها امام الاسماء المركبة

the United Kingdom   the Security Council


 لا نستخدم (the ) عند عدم التحديد لشيء

horse is a beautiful animal

اي كل حصان هو حيوان جميل وليس حصانا محدداً


 لا نستخدم (the)  امام الاسماء المعروفة عموماً والمطلقة والتي لا تحتاج الى تعريف

water is necessary for life

ولكن :

the water is boiling , Put some tea on it .

المقصود هنا الماء الذي يغلي الآن .


لا نستخدم ( the )  امام اسماء العلم

Marwan.  Ahmed. John. Brown.

ولكن عند استخدام الاسماء بقصد اسماء العائلات نستخدم  the  ونضع  ( s) مع الاسم

the Browns ...


we often visit the Browns in London


  يستخدم الانكليز ايضاٌ the امام اسماء الانهار والجهات وفترات اليوم  نهر النيل

the Nile...

نهر التايمز

the Thames  .

the East the West .....

in the morning   ....

in the afternoon

ولكن :


at night.

In the middle of the night ......
