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Phonetics for non English speakers third


Part 3

▪️ When is the /r/ sound pronounced or not?

 The letter (r) is pronounced if it is followed by one of the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) or the k like

(rub, travel , dream , pray , tree , sorry , work , orange )

 The letter (r) is not pronounced if it is followed by a correct letter such as

(verb , girl , Saturday , Thursday , birth , part )

 The letter (r) is not pronounced if it comes at the end of the word, such as

(car , sir , dear , hair , teacher)

 The letter (r) is pronounced if it comes at the end of a word, followed by a word that begins with a vowel, such as (after a while).

 The letter (r) is not pronounced if it comes at the end of a word followed by a word that begins with a correct letter such as (for good).

Phonetics 1

▪️ When is the /s/ sound pronounced or not?

 The letter (s) is pronounced as in the following examples (soon, bus, glass, see, sit, this, use, us).

Phonetics 2

▪️ When is the /t/ sound pronounced or not?

 The letter (t) is pronounced as in the following examples (talk, two, date, tea)

 The letter (t) is not pronounced if it comes after (ch), such as (watch, match, butcher, switch).

 The (t) is not pronounced if it comes after (ten) at the end of the word, like (listen).

Phonetics 3

▪️ When is the /v/ sound pronounced or not?

 The letter (v) is pronounced as in the examples (van, very, love, save, voice).

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▪️ When is the /w/ sound pronounced or not?

   The letter (w) is pronounced as in the following examples (win, we, will, wet)

 - The letter (t) is not pronounced if it comes at the beginning of the word and is followed by the letter (r) such as (write, wrong, wrist)

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▪️ When is the /z/ sound pronounced or not?

   The letter (z) is pronounced as in the examples a

Next (zoo, zero, zebra)

 - The letter (s) pronounces the /z/ sound in some words such as (Mars, news, surprise, busy).

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 ▪️ When is the // sound pronounced or not?

- / ʃ / this phoneme is pronounced (sh) and the two letters (sh) are pronounced (sh) such as (shin, she, wish, ship)

 The letter (s) is pronounced in some words as a sound / ʃ / such as (sure, sugar)

 - The letter (t) in the syllable (tion) is pronounced as a sound / / such as (nation, action, information)

 - The letter (s) in the syllable (sion) is pronounced as the sound / ʃ / like (expression, pension, version)

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▪️ When is the // sound pronounced or not?

 - This phoneme is pronounced (ŋ), as in the following examples (sung, sing, bring)

 This sound comes before /k,g/ as (sinker, finger)

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▪️ When is the // sound pronounced or not?

 The letter / / is pronounced as in the following examples (measure, pleasure, treasure)



▪️ When is the /tʃ/ sound pronounced or not?

- / tʃ / this phoneme is pronounced (ch) and in the same way the two letters (ch) are pronounced as

(teacher , chair , butcher)

 In some words ending in ture, the letter (t) is pronounced as /tʃ/, as in (furniture).

 Sometimes the two letters (ch) are pronounced as the sound /ʃ/ in some words (such as chef, brochure)

- Sometimes the letters (ch) are pronounced as the sound /k/ in some words such as (Christmas, school, chemist).

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 ▪️ When is the // sound pronounced or not?

 - This phoneme is pronounced (th) and in the same way the two letters (th) are pronounced, as in the following examples

(thing , thin , three , wealth , health , length)

 - Some words change the pronunciation from θ to ð, such as breathe breathe the breathe .

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▪️ When is the // sound pronounced or not?

 - This phonetic symbol is pronounced (th) in the same way as the two letters (th), as in the following examples

- (then , this , that , those , they , with , other , although)

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▪️ When is the /dʒ/ sound pronounced or not?

 This vowel sound (j) is pronounced like (joy, jeep,

الجزء الثالث


▪️ متى يلفظ او لا يلفظ صوت / r /

 - يلفظ حرف الـ ( r ) اذا تُبع بأحد احرف العلة ( a , e ,i ,o ,u ) او الـ k مثل

(rub, travel , dream , pray , tree , sorry , work , orange)

 - لا يلفظ حرف الـ ( r ) اذا تُبع بحرف صحيح مثل

(verb , girl , Saturday , Thursday , birth , part)

 - لا يلفظ حرف الـ ( r ) اذا جاء في نهاية الكلمة مثل

(car , sir , dear , hair , teacher)

 - يلفظ حرف الـ ( r ) اذا جاء في نهاية الكلمة متبوعاً بكلمة تبدأ بحرف علة مثل (after a while)

 - لا يلفظ حرف الـ ( r ) اذا جاء في نهاية الكلمة متبوعاً بكلمة تبدأ بحرف صحيح مثل ( for good)



▪️ متى يلفظ او لا يلفظ صوت / s /

 - يلفظ الحرف (s) كما في الامثلة التالية ( soon , bus , glass , see , sit , this , use , us)



▪️ متى يلفظ او لا يلفظ صوت / t /

 - يلفظ الحرف (t) كما في الامثلة التالية (talk , two , date , tea)

 - لا يلفظ حرف الـ ( t ) اذا جاءت بعده (ch) مثل ( watch , match , butcher , switch )

 - لا يلفظ الـ (t) اذا جاء بعده (ten) في نهاية الكلمة , مثل (listen)



▪️ متى يلفظ او لا يلفظ صوت / v /

 - يلفظ الحرف (v) كما في الامثلة (van , very , love , save , voice)



▪️ متى يلفظ او لا يلفظ صوت / w /

   -يلفظ الحرف (w) كما في الامثلة التالية (win , we , will , wet )

 - لا يلفظ حرف الـ ( t ) اذا جاء في بداية الكلمة وتُبع بحرف الـ (r) مثل (write , wrong , wrist)



▪️  متى يلفظ او لا يلفظ صوت / z /

   - يلفظ الحرف (z) كما في الامثلة ا

لتالية (zoo , zero , zebra)

 - يلفظ حرف الـ (s) صوت /z/ في بعض الكلمات مثل (Mars , news , surprise , busy )



 ▪️متى يلفظ او لا يلفظ صوت / ʃ /

- / ʃ / يلفظ هذا الرمز الصوتي (sh) وكذلك الحرفان (sh) يلفظان ( ش ) مثل (shin , she , wish , ship)

 - يلفظ الحرف (s) في بعض الكلمات كصوت / ʃ / مثل (sure , sugar)

 - يلفظ حرف الـ (t) في المقطع (tion) على انه صوت / ʃ / مثل (nation , action , information)

 - يلفظ حرف الـ (s) في المقطع (sion) على انه صوت / ʃ / مثل ( expression , pension , version)



▪️  متى يلفظ او لا يلفظ صوت / ŋ /

 - يُلفظ هذا الرمز الصوتي (ŋ) وكما في الامثلة التالية (sung , sing , bring )

 - يأتي هذا الصوت قبل /k,g/ مثل ( sinker , finger )



▪️متى يلفظ او لا يلفظ صوت / ʒ /

 - يلفظ الحرف / ʒ / كما في الامثلة التالية (measure , pleasure , treasure)



▪️متى يلفظ او لا يلفظ صوت / tʃ /  

- / tʃ / يلفظ هذا الرمز الصوتي (ch) وبنفس الطريقة يتم لفظ الحرفان (ch) مثل

(teacher , chair , butcher)

 - في بعض الكلمات التي تنتهي بالمقطع (ture) فان الحرف (t) يلفظ كصوت / tʃ /مثل (furniture )

 - احياناً يلفظ الحرفان (ch) كصوت / ʃ / في بعض الكلمات مثل (chef , brochure )

-    احياناً اخرى يلفظ الحرفان (ch) كصوت / k / في بعض الكلمات مثل (Christmas , school , chemist)



 ▪️متى يلفظ او لا يلفظ صوت / θ /  

 - يُلفظ هذا الرمز الصوتي (th) وبنقس الطريقة يلفظ الحرفان (th) وكما في الامثلة التالية

(thing , thin , three , wealth , health , length)

 - بعض الكلمات يتغير اللفظ فيها من θ الى ð مثل breath θ ال breathe ð



▪️متى يلفظ او لا يلفظ صوت / ð /  

 - يُلفظ هذا الرمز الصوتي (th) وبنفس الطريقة يلفظ الحرفان (th) وكما في الامثلة التالية

- (then , this , that , those , they , with , other , although)



▪️متى يلفظ او لا يلفظ صوت / dʒ /  

 - يلفظ هذا الرمز الصوتي (j) مثل ( joy , jeep ,

